
Dockers was looking for a way to connect with a new generation of business casual folks. But wanted to re-invent business casual from the ground up as well. This campaign is all about the hustle.


For one day, Dockers will hustle 24-hour deliveries on any online purchase, no matter where the order will be delivered.

We’ll announce the program on banners and e-commerce, alerting the world that no matter where you live, we will hustle your order to you, in 24 hours.

In order to receive their free 24-hour-or-less deliveries, customers must tweet to us using the hashtag: #ADayOfHustle. This also helps spread the word on social media.

As they deliver the clothes, Our delivery folks blog along the way and their tweets, vines and photos populate a digital map. to create additional buzz, one of the orders will be fulfilled by a celebrity like Dwayne Wade.

This content will then be distributed on our Youtube channel and be pushed as a PR blitz to partners like ESPN, GQ and Complex Magazine.

© 2025 Jeff DeGeorgia / Creative Director