Speak for ALS

Concept, Design, Script, UX, Photography

No one is talking about ALS (or Lou Gehrig's disease), and we wanted to change that. So we gave people a simple way to raise ALS awareness that focuses on a key issue for people living with ALS: loss of speech.

Speak for ALS is the first ever platform that enables people to donate their voice to help someone with ALS speak to their loved ones.

ALS robs you of your ability to speak. We partnered up with the ALS Association Greater New York Chapter to find four people with ALS that had something important to say to a person that they loved. Then, we created a way for people to donate their voice to help them say it.

Featured on: Ads of the World

Art Director, UX: Megan Vo

We promoted the project on Facebook, Twitter & Youtube with this video, starring people from all over the NY area.

Within 3 days of the launch, Debra's message had been fully recorded. We put together a video featuring each of the voices who have lent their support, rented a car, and drove out to rural NJ to drop off the message with Debra's daughter and grandchildren.

The website itself is now longer available at, but you can view an archive of what it looked like in 2013.

© 2025 Jeff DeGeorgia / Creative Director